Xamk Learn glossary
General terms
Activity | Content on the course platform that requires the student to be active. Activities include e.g. assignments, quiz and discussion forums. |
Activity completion | Settings related to the monitoring of the completion of an activity or a resource and are managed by the course teacher. |
Archiving of course platforms | The course life cycle phase where the course platform is archived, and it will be unavailable for students but remains still available for the course teacher. |
Completion progress / Completion tracking | A function that allows a teacher to specify when an activity or resource is considered completed. The accepted completion can come to the monitored object based on the conditions defined by the teacher or marked by the student themselves. |
Course platform | The course platform is a workspace where a teacher can build study units by adding materials and activities for students. The course platform may consist of implementations of one or more courses or it may be part of a larger entity. |
Course platform life cycle | All the course platforms in Learn environment have a life cycle in which they are first in the active stage, then archived and in the last stage, removed from the learning environment. The life cycle of the course platform can be normal (three years) or extended (six years). |
Course platform request | A form that allows teachers to order new course platforms for the Learn learning environment. |
Course platform short name | Individual course platform name abbreviation. |
Course (platform) visibility | The course platform can be visible or hidden in the Learn environment. When hidden, it cannot be found through the course search and the course platform is only visible to its teachers and to the Learn environment administrators. |
Course Self enrolment (Student) | The student can use self-enrolment on those course platforms where the teacher has enabled it. Upon self-enrolment, the student joins the course platform as a participant. |
Enrolment key | A one-time password to join the course platform, which may be required of the student with the students’ self-registration settings. |
Gradebook | The Gradebook is a course assessment management tool and summary view for teachers. |
Groups | With the Groups function, the course platform students can be divided into smaller groups, for example for discussion or assignment. The division into groups can be teacher-led or student-led, depending on the settings. |
Resource | Materials on the course platform that are intended for students to read or view. |
Return box = Assignment | The assignment activity is often called a return box, because it allows the teacher to e.g. asks the student to return the files to the Learn environment. |
Vastuuopettaja – Responsible teacher | The role of the main responsible teacher of the course, which is automatically created for the person who ordered the new course platform. In addition to the usual teacher rights, a person in the role of Vastuuopettaja can request the removal of the course platform from the Learn environment. |
On the Dashboard view
Block | Add ons to the course that are shown on the right side of the frontpage of the course. |
Course overview block | A section on the Dashboard view that contains links to the course platforms in which the person is a participant. It includes the ability to filter course platforms under different criteria. |
Course platform request | A form that allows teachers to order new course platforms for the Learn learning environment. |
Dashboard (view) | The user's personal home page that opens after logging in to the Learn environment. |
Navigation drawer | Menu on the left upper corner that looks like three horizontal lines on top of each other. |
User menu | Menu on the right upper corner of a course that shows your firstname and lastname and profile picture. |
On the course platform
Activity | Content on the course platform that requires the student to be active. Activities include e.g. assignments, quiz and discussion forums. |
Activity completion | Settings related to the monitoring of the completion of an activity or a resource and are managed by the course teacher. |
Block | Add ons to the course that are shown on the right side of the frontpage of the course. |
Completion progress block | The block that shows the items being tracked in the completion tracking and at what stage the student is completing them. |
Course platform short name | Individual course platform name abbreviation. |
Course (platform) visibility | The course platform can be visible or hidden in the Learn environment. When hidden, it cannot be found through the course search and the course platform is only visible to its teachers and to the Learn environment administrators. |
Gear menu = Actions menu | Menu on the upper right side of the course that has the action options and looks like a gear. |
Groups | With the Groups function, the course platform students can be divided into smaller groups, for example for discussion or assignment. The division into groups can be teacher-led or student-led, depending on the settings. |
Group mode | The mode how the groups are visible to each other. The Visible groups setting allows members of the groups to see the members of the other groups, but the contents of the other groups are read-only. Separate groups are completely closed to each other. |
Groupings | Groupings is a function that allows teacher to choose which of the course groups are currently active. |
Topic / Tab / Grid | A section of the course platform where the teacher can compile the course contents. |
Resource | Materials on the course platform that are intended for students to read or view. |
Grades | A view that opens through the navigation menu in the upper left corner, showing the student’s assessments at the course. For the teacher, the Grades view opens a summary view of the assessments of all students in the course. |
Navigation drawer | Menu on the left upper corner that looks like three horizontal lines on top of each other. |
Navigation bar | Links at the top of the course that allows you to move to learning environment desktop or course front page. |
Return box a.k.a. Assignment | The assignment activity is often called a return box, because it allows the teacher to e.g. asks the student to return the files to the Learn environment. |
Topic 0 | The first section or tab of the course content and cannot be moved. |
To edit and show content
Edit menu | A menu that appears in the top right corner of a topic, material, or activity in Edit mode, where you can hide, copy, or delete that material or activity, and share material or activity-specific roles. |
Edit settings | An option in the Edit menu that allows you to edit the content and visibility, access, and student progress settings for that material or activity. |
(Edit) Course settings | A view that defines settings for the entire course platform, such as name, duration, description, platform format, and visibility. Under course settings you can enable performance tracking and groups as needed. |
Turn Editing on | An option in the Actions menu that allows participants with teacher roles to edit a course instead of just viewing it. |
Settings | Action menu that appears by clicking on the gear icon in the upper right corner of the course platform. |
Show / Hide | An option in the Edit menu to determine whether the activity or material is visible to the student or not. If the activity or material is visible, the option Hide is displayed in the menu. When a material or activity is not visible, that is, it is hidden, the Show option is displayed in the menu. |
Quiz review options | This section controls what information students will be shown when they review their past attempts at the quiz, and during the attempt in adaptive mode. |