Exam visit

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Exam visit means that a student can take own university’s exam in another university’s Exam room.


Exam visit for Xamk students at other universities

Xamk students can take electronic exams in the EXAM-rooms of the universities where Exam visits are enabled. If you want to take an exam at another university:
  • Check if you can take an exam at another university: Institutions where Exam visit is enabled.
  • Read university’s instructions, rules and regulations, software/tools availabilility, opening hours and how to access the Exam room.
  • Always remember to follow the rules and instructions of the visiting university


Booking an exam to other university

To book an exam time, go to Xamk Exam-page (exam.xamk.fi) and login normally. Register for the correct exam and from the Reservation view select "Exam room for exam visit". Select the university and EXAM-room location where you wish to take the exam. When taking an exam in another university, you follow instructions, rules and regulations of that university.